Blog Comment Abusers!
Ok, what is with people? People are having conversations in my comments. They are sorta to me but not at the same time. This werid use of my blog to talk to one another is crazy. I enjoy your comments but are they really for me? I just spent my time reading MY comments, but they weren't really for me at all. I would like to annouce that Rob, Marc, and Lindsey are blog comment abusers!!!!!! Yea, thats right I called them that! Ok, I know that was a little over the top and mean, I'm sorry. I was just kidding, use my blog to talk to your friends, I just write these things for no reason. Oh No, my feeling weren't hurt, I'm grateful that you all would pick my blog to talk through! In fact, I'm looking forward to what conversations come from this post. Thanks for all you coments! haha I can't believe I wrote that much about nothing! Oh and if you weren't a blog comment abuser already start, tons of fun! Check out there comments on my Maeby blog!

So I have a friend, Maeby is her name, she is a black pug. I love her! But she just moved into a house without me. I can't see her anymore! Its so sad. I wanna see her! She is happy where she is, she is with friends. She has family there and doesn't need me. I still miss her though! Do you think she even remembers me? I don't, but I still miss her no matter what she remembers. Oh yea, this picture isn't even of her, its just random hot dogs. So Sad!
I just got a kazoo! I'm trying to learn how to play it. Its sorta harder than I thought it would be, but I will get it. My kazoo is blue and gold, castle colors! I am sick of it already. Its alot like the trumpet I used to play, I don't like trumpet, mostly because I cant read music. It is confusing and no fun. I wonder if someone would give me kazoo lessons, that would be weird. Its sorta and annoying instrument. I don't think anyone would be able to play it very long. I like Kazoos!!!
Scarecrow Butt

Yea, so I just wanted to put a awsome picture on here so you all can complain about how I am so gross and disgusting. This is that picture, found my mother not I. I really hope this doesnt bug anyone, I think its funny. I think he showes the Holloween Spirt.
I love the month of October, I have haunted houses, and free candy. People really get into this thing, dressing up and its really fun to look at what people decorate there house like. Well I wanted to write more but Lindsey and Marc are here so I must go.

This is my Family all with my sisters hair on. I think we look mega strange but that's us, strange. I didn't even mess with this picture my father did it. And people wonder where I get my weird ways. I believe my older brother, James, looks the best. I am the one on the far left, and I do not like long hair. It bugs me, and to frankly I cant handle it. Taking care of it would be a horrible chore. But despite my previous feelings about long hair, I don't think it looks that bad.
kazoo karate
ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!! marc told me to get one of them's things, so i done it! now i was finished! hello bye!
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