So I have a friend, Maeby is her name, she is a black pug. I love her! But she just moved into a house without me. I can't see her anymore! Its so sad. I wanna see her! She is happy where she is, she is with friends. She has family there and doesn't need me. I still miss her though! Do you think she even remembers me? I don't, but I still miss her no matter what she remembers. Oh yea, this picture isn't even of her, its just random hot dogs. So Sad!
Emmy... I know you loved Maeby but, "get over it"
Forget Marc! I kind of know how you feel. I have missed that little puppy for a while now. I definitely wasn't around her quite as long as you were since I was only in Newburgh for 4 months, but we can grieve together on this one.
Ahh now I feel like a jerk. It was my little attempt at a joke. When we were down in Atlanta Drew kept telling Bethany to get over it... whatever it was she was talking about. That is why it was in quotes. I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to come across so rude. Ah I am a brute.
Marc, you shouldn't feel like a jerk, you just are one sometimes. We're all used to it by now. Don't even worry about it.
Gracious, you people make me crazy. :)
I love you Jared. Well I am getting confused. Mixed signals I guess. Are you being serious or are you joking cause if you are just joking then a little LOL would help clear some things up.
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