Yea, so I just wanted to put a awsome picture on here so you all can complain about how I am so gross and disgusting. This is that picture, found my mother not I. I really hope this doesnt bug anyone, I think its funny. I think he showes the Holloween Spirt.
I love the month of October, I have haunted houses, and free candy. People really get into this thing, dressing up and its really fun to look at what people decorate there house like. Well I wanted to write more but Lindsey and Marc are here so I must go.
I thoroughly enjoy that picture...yes, yes, indeed.
I love the picture Emmy! I miss going to eat every once and a while and just talking. Sorry I haven't been back for such a long time. I have to find a way to work it out so I can come back some time soon.
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