
Teeter - Tot of Love

So you know those people you talk to all the time on the phone then you guys don't talk for a while. Well, I'm in one of those situations, and its been forever since I've talked to this person, But they said the WILL call me - so I wait. I hope this doesn't sound stupid but when I wait like this I start second guessing myself and thinking that maybe they are mad at me or maybe I have annoyed them to the point of no return. And I start getting mad at myself even when I know they are busy and they will call me. Why do I let myself get to me like that? I know whats right but I still stress myself out, worrying about their feelings when they are really the ones who didn't call me. I should be mad, shouldn't I? I'm not but anyways . . .This whole thing made me think about something I have been taught my whole life and it didn't all sink in till now

Love your neighbor as yourself

Now, I have always been taught to live my neighbors but I never thought about it in reverse. I need to love myself as I love others. If I love my neighbor as myself in this instance, I don't love my neighbor very much. This is like an intense teeter- tot of love. I have to love others and myself, then I should also treat them how I would like to be treated. That makes me ask if I am treating myself the way I would like to be treated? And if the answer is No, then I'm not the person I want to be. But I already knew that. I don't want to worry about why they haven't called me. That shouldn't be a priority of mine. I should be out living for God and no one else.Who cares about a phone call? Ok, I do but I'm not going to dwell on why It hasn't came.

1 comment:

lindsey said...

Woops, when I was reading this earlier, I thought you wrote tater tot of love...I was wondering what that meant...I get it now!!